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About us page में sabkhojo.net website एवं हमारे बारे में एक छोटी सी इनफार्मेशन दी गई है

About US :- I started my website in the year 2023. Our website provides Cg News, Cg government jobs, Cg private jobs, results, admit cards, merit lists and all college News, MCQ Questions, Exam Preparations. All the updates are provided by our site first. We Are Provided Only Information.

Employment news Sources

1. https://jansampark.cg.gov.in/
2. https://www.upsc.gov.in/
3. http://www.psc.cg.gov.in/
4. https://ssc.nic.in/
5. https://cgstate.gov.in/recruitment
6. https://www.ibps.in/
7. https://vyapam.cgstate.gov.in/
8. http://cgemployment.gov.in/
9. https://labour.gov.in/
10. http://cgrojgar.gov.in/
11. http://sambal.mp.gov.in/RojgarSetu/
12. http://www.cgvyapam.gov.in/
13. http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/
14. https://www.india.gov.in/
15. https://www.ncs.gov.in/
16. http://www.employmentnews.gov.in/
17. Other Websites.